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What is hungry that These turnips Shall be fattened With bacon. This Spoke the troll he gathered turnips from Onsager s garden. Breadcrumbs shall atop this au gratin With bacon , pumpkin from Onsager s mystery Garden He was angry because Ole Onsager Put fatback in front Of the bacon hiding it from the Scrooges and Mizzers. But me Jack the Troll but mi hand beneath all that fatback and found this treasure trove Of sugarcured bacon. I saw Turnip greens atop the bulbs Of earthy goodness. I remember the from the book Of Sages, the words of Meade's and Meanest. The greens of this frost bit Place is the garden of the Mizzers. Only the leaves of Tender fresh turnips are for Consumption . My cassorolle Shall aroma of garlic, onions and carrots.the crumbled bacon Shall nearest thee.. the cream and Roux shall mix with the broth And these turnips and pumpkins Shall be loved and adorned. Not to be looked over by the Mizzers and Scrooges.. Song's of Stessed Women "The Stresses Of Love" Axiro and Orixa The Dried Cabbage Queen"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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