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Turkey Take Over

The interlopers surrounded the old folk’s farmstead before dawn. Farmer Jay wondered what planet they were now living on. Their gravely gobbles were incessantly loud, it was a take over. Farmer Jay’s hound dog was missing, his name was Leaf Clover. What do they want? The missus asked her sweet husband Jay. Not sure he said, but it does not look like a very good day. Eat hamburgers and bacon at Thanksgiving was their soul-full yell. They gobbled it all morning until the dinner bell. Other demands were written down in blue and red ink. By this time they had sold their farm to a young couple named Pink. What about the turkeys? Are you taking them? The young owner asked. They are your problem now, Farmer Jay said, picking up his statue of Bast.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/25/2023 8:15:00 PM
Guess turkeys just were too much down-home religion for that snowflake, eh?!
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 4/26/2023 12:21:00 AM
I do believe so

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