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Trump Train Wreck

yesterday watched men try to ride in some graceful fashion a flying, spinning, gyrating, horned beast for eight seconds probably should feel sorry for the exploited beasts but none of them grimaced in pain and limped away cradling an injured limb however there was this weird, hornless, white as snow "thing" lurched out, fell back on the chute, reeled and tipped, almost falling, then it bucked, finally too late for any good red flagged when he stumbled out of the gate that sorry freak of an animal is half the rider's score if he can't do his part it's a re-ride (on something better) correct for me to pity that poor creature, I know–but––really? his name was Trump Train I'm gonna go find an election prop and bet all I can wager his namesake doesn't survive the primaries Trump Train yeah, right more like Trump Train Wreck

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/27/2022 12:04:00 PM
Steven, your closing line "Trump Train Wreck," is one that will stick with me for a long time. He loathes ending in second place, hence I simply don't realize why he is putting himself in the opprobrium of being in last place. Thank you for your comment on my page; I'm pleased to know you.
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Steven Young
Date: 11/28/2022 8:48:00 PM
I think it has to do with his legal troubles. Makes it harder to put him jail where he belongs.
Date: 11/27/2022 8:25:00 AM
I couldn't agree more, Steven, and I especially liked your concluding line, for it is, indeed, a "Trump Train Wreck." For someone who reputedly hates to lose, I cannot understand why he is subjecting himself to this ignominious defeat!
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Steven Young
Date: 11/27/2022 9:05:00 AM
Well, with all the flack on his tail, subjecting himself to this ignominious (that Scarlett Letter word) defeat--keeps him outta jail... for a spell
Date: 11/27/2022 8:05:00 AM
You've been to a rodeo lately, Steven? I agree with your Trump Train Wreck comment. He's wrecked lots of things in America. It's time he got thrown off the track.
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Steven Young
Date: 11/27/2022 8:58:00 AM
Kids took me to PBR last night. Worth it just to see my grandbaby in her bling buckle and cowgirl boots. Too cute. But, yeah, not making this up. Really was a Trump Train, a freaky disaster right out of the gate, and it made me smile.

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