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Truly Meant

She dug a hole in the earth & buried her heart where no one Could find it. Through my tongue I have dug And excavated through a person I thought I knew. A region I still travel both known and unknown. Through ancient wisdom & modern text, A known philosopher of over 500 texts. Though I read tirelessly, I lost sense of direction Through hieroglyphic palpitations Circa the first breath taken in front of you. She dug a hole in the earth & filled it with dirt. A language lost and undisturbed. Her heart a eutopia, massive & hidden From history. Through hard dirt and torn tongue The tip of my tongue struck something soft & compromising. Alas, I have journeyed to the center of your chest & survived. Through dirt and torn tongue, here we lay Fossilized in the center of your chest, Until everything rumbles & your heart spews through your chest Like lava. Only then could we live again in a region Truly meant for us

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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