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True Love Wasted

10:20 in the evening when I nudged you, You talked differently and I was not used to. You want to see the whole of me in a one cold night, I was stuck with works and trying to finish it till twilight. You started to let me feel that you’re already cold, The feeling of numbness was getting and turning you into bold. Changes on so what you called love is what you are looking, You are attracted with someone who is bit much and good looking. Disgracefully feeling sorry for what I’ve done. I’m a real busy tot who is just rather choosing to be Don. 10 minutes of exchanging each other’s text messages, Awkwardly saying thank you was incredibly odd and sieges. You always feel inadequate when I’m not around, You’re trying to find yourself in one magical ground. I think everything that we had was so much but wasted, Love never worked out and was totally busted. You fell out of love and jokingly said that you have someone, I was lying on my bed and was a hopelessly no one. Shame on me when I gave everything to you, Wasted love shouldn’t be seriously given to you. If I only had the time and courage to show our love to the world, Love would be eternal and endless like those million words. Love is sweet, playful, cruel and unexploited, Our love was immaturely childish and so much but wasted.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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