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True Beauty

Then Wele Khakaba turned and spoke thus True beauty is everlasting; temporary beauty is dust and is for a time Thy judgment of beauty is an error For thy yardsticks are looks, appearances, effects and proportions Thy verdict of beauty is a mistake and booboo For thy scale is shapeliness, loveliness of build and belle tournure Thy conclusion is warped and misrepresented For thy measure is physical charm, curvaceousness and sexiness It is earthly delicateness, cuteness and earnestly cunningness All earthly beauty is human makeups and cosmetics, They are lip rouge, nail polish, greasepaint, clown white and mascara True beauty is eternal True beauty is what Wele Khakaba creates I create for glory and for beauty that transcends I do garnish the creation with preciousness I create and do crown it with royalty To show the peoples and the princes the essence of beauty All my creations are fair to look on Murumwa, one thing thou should have asked of me That will thou seek after That ye may dwell in the house of perfect elegance and delight All the days of thy life To behold the beauty of the Creator of creators And to inquire in his sanctuary

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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