Truck Driving School
She wanted a job that was good
One that would pay like it should
So she found one she thought was cool
And headed on down to truck driving school
You see, truck drivin’ s in her blood veins
So this decision wasn’t all that strange
Her daddy was a truck drivin’ fool
So why shouldn’t she go to truck driving school
Her favorite uncle had taken her on the road
She knew, like him, she could pull a load
Her honey, Craig, drives a large car, too
She could handle this truck driving school
To San Antonio, she drove on down
It has always been a favorite town
Passed the written Dot after learning the rules
She was strutting her stuff at truck driving school
Without much money, but a lot of guts
She knew she had to get out of her ruts
She’ll be like her daddy, a gear jammin’ fool
When she graduates from truck driving school
Copyright © Anita Lovelace | Year Posted 2005
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