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trousers Three pair of trousers hang on a wooden hanger no, not the wires they give you ate the laundry. I only fit one of them but have kept two pair should I slim lose ten kilos, you must be joking but hopes are eternal, and my doctor is good looking she has a nice smile like should be interested in my well being, every time I go there she has to look into her computer, oh, yes him with the funny heart and tries to flirt with me, fat chance. The trousers slid from the wooden hanger fell on the floor and since I was naked at the time picked up a pair of grey slacks, the fitted just, but there was no room for a shirt, I put on an over-sized T-shirt and thought it was slimming, but my wife who loves to tell the truth said I looked like a tent. Her sarcasm was lost on me, I had slimmed and wore the grey slacks that day.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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