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Tropical Retreat of My Heart

Here I am in the land of the endless sun, A tropical paradise that compares to none, From the frolicking surf to the ancient trails, This land's full of many sacred tales. But the story I love best, Is the one that isn't told with the rest, It's about how my heart's tropical retreat, Is now ready to take second seat. Revered are the legendary figures of old, Whose great and mighty acts are retold, And steeped in mystical phrases, Are many words of love that passed through the ages. With the refreshing of my soul, and the mending of my heart, I'm ready now to return to love, and give it a new start, And though I'm still miles away from you, At the end of this journey, our love still rings true. Half ‘way around the world, I distanced myself from you, Leaving for an island paradise, I felt stifled and blue, I hoped for a soft and smooth landing, And found myself in a land of love abounding. Revered are the legendary figures of old, Whose great and mighty acts are retold, And steeped in mystical phrases, Are many words of love that passed through the ages. With the refreshing of my soul, and the mending of my heart, I'm ready now to return to love, and give it a new start, And though I'm still miles away from you, At the end of this journey, our love still rings true.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/23/2020 3:57:00 PM
And still a great poem of love...
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Date: 9/5/2017 9:14:00 AM
Wonderful writing Thomas, loved every word, suggest the form Quatrain or Rhyme this is not free verse, I enjoyed the rhymes and tranquil vibe of this piece. The repeated stanza feels like a refrain, which gives this a melodic song like feel.
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Date: 9/4/2017 10:45:00 AM
Territories described by you if not legendary from very beginning, they become with your wonderful verses. Amazing journey of the soul in a realm of dream becoming reality and reality becoming myth. Congrat.
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 9/10/2017 10:24:00 PM
Thank you again Ovidiu for reading my poem. This poem repeats and it actually was supposed to be the start of a song lyric.
Date: 9/4/2017 7:59:00 AM
Retreat to an inspiring environment revives loving memories. Effectively portrayed.Excellent verbatim.
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 9/10/2017 10:23:00 PM
Thank you very much for reading my poem and leaving a comment. I'm sure your poetry is very imaginative and excellently written (and I'm sure I'll enjoy reading your work).
Date: 8/11/2017 6:09:00 AM
Thomas you are truly an amazing poet. I could never write like you do. And you say that you have to improve!! My goodness. I love this poem of yours. I hope your love gets to read this wonderful poem too. I would like to invite you to read my latest poem For Shame. You actually inspired it with Your poem 'the Mirror". I brought in all the Elements, after reading your comment. Keep writing my friend , you are strides ahead of me, believe me....Maria
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 8/11/2017 7:36:00 AM
Maria, thank you for your very generous comment. According to my estimation, your writing is at a level which I am not at. You are in a class by yourself, and I love how you format a terrifically written poem with an appropriate picture and music. Recently, I was in Waikiki and heard some Australian tourists talking (it made me think of you). Take care!

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