There were some blue patches down below, swimming pools,
of course, I should have guessed, where the white man rules;
so dropping into nirvana - someone threw me a banana,
from the South Afirican jungle, that was Jo'burg not Ghana.
They wanted my expertise - how many times disputed,
invasion, theft, but maybe was before bias was rooted;
I know, things have changed but maybe for the worse,
and it might have been better if left with a wet nurse.
Progressed, armed with so-called understanding, landing,
in other 'plastic' places, all races but still misunderstanding;
I settled for usual where the backpackers panned and stand,
or rather bend under their load with invisible grains of sand.
A word of advice - deviate your position from men and mice,
take stock - about your plans because Blackpool may be nice.
Copyright © Terry Reeves | Year Posted 2024
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