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Trash Talking At It's Finest

The continued story of this poet Haters r going to be mad that I even wrote it Here is where I give u "The Business" Like a lightning bolt striking with a quickness Trust me, u haven't heard the best of it A debt to collect and I'm gonna settle it Mouths sown shut like a gangsters lips Leave everybody sleeping with the fishes The lips tell no lies just like a politician This is the Sh*t Talkers Edition I don't do well staying inside the box I'm better at picking locks But ur lady just lets me in when I knock Words like cells in my blood Flowing through these veins like the levee during a flood No filter from the brain to my paper Just a figment of imaginary literature, kinda like vapor In the Poetic Justice League and I'm the Caped Crusader By the end I'll be your Daddy like Darth Vader Enough of the dilly dallying and chitter chatter Down to Brass tax, nitty gritty, the heart of the matter All in ur face, screaming, "U can't see me!" Letting words "Float like a butterfly & sting like a bee" Leaving all the drama behind me From this point forward Pulling all the hit contracts I ordered "Keep Stepping" and move forward Wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for the Lord Got an ppointment with fate, Best not be late Happiness & havoc is what I hope to create If u haven't notice I am a Problem U better have listened to everything I told them A fresh canvas has endless possibilities Maybe a mural of myself among other Poetic Deities Or a sketch of the lies that I made those people believe Truth is gray and things aren't what they seem to be

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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