Transported: 15 Year Old Poems and Older Number 4
Transplanted, unwittingly, an invasive plant
Transported – the ship itself – to foreign port
Far, far away from welcome, the known –
So far and foreign, I’d never own a home
Volunteering because tears are jeweled nothings
Often teaching, as I did in my own land; not reaching
Those infatuated with fears, violence, violenteering –
When not teaching, I land at a Crisis Center
Reaching now the people without face and place
Helping by using my ears twice as much
As my mouth. “I am here. What made you call tonight?”
No,not long-lost love line: best practice to break the ice!
Yes, making a difference, myself homeless and shiftless
A transplant, neither black, white, nor female – categories liked and known
Those like me, BEIC victim, “To Company’s tea plantations in Bengal,”
Was the lie unveiled in South Africa, Guyana, Fiji.Freedom Lover
Copyright © Anil Deo | Year Posted 2020
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