Transitioning Seasons
her time ends
the last kiss to
the air, her
frost retreats
moves cold hands
from life
her polar opposite
moves romantically,
and gracefully
into poised position
like Alice Coltrane
across piano keys
transitioning the
equinoxes in melody
a harmony of
they love
gentle yet harsh
the various
degrees of intimacy
seen in forward charges
and retreats
life in stages
ordered music
her sheets
freeze time,
his heat moves
at steady tempo
like heartbeats
to drum beats
diminished colors
not death
,but a quieter
stillness looms in air
with fire and passion
a formulated exchange
colors do bloom brighter
,and stems and limbs
reach higher
in the sky
much lighter
their touch contrasts
one of the other
but both submit
, and obey one another
even with stubborn
as seasons change
hellos and goodbyes
often linger
no one truely
wants to let go
as they greet, each
prays one for the other
safe travels to and
from where thou came
In Love and order
the power to regulate
weathered heartbeats
keeps them near
and far
like human dreams
aspire to touch the stars
although weary
we to must endure change
be it in life or death
we are but a temperat
touch in transitioning
from sleep to awake
between Heaven
or the coldest Hell
Kevin Guru ©2019
Transitioning Seasons
Copyright © Kevin Mitchell | Year Posted 2019
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