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Transgender Posers

transgender posers pansexual persuaders is it a fashion? is it a trend? like tattoos and piercings? Is everyone going to jump on board the bandwagon? Does saying we are transgender or pansexual make us feel unique? But if we all say it, how unique are we? Is it a fashion? Is it a trend?

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Date: 7/10/2022 10:09:00 AM
I have wondered, Caren. It just seems that all of a sudden there's too many of them, popping up everywhere and all of this insisting on the proper pronouns. I don't get it. I'm going to start referring to everyone as "who?" That's my new pronoun, as in "Who do you think you are!"
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 7/11/2022 12:17:00 AM
Smirk Smile Smirk - I think it is like the last wave of tattooing everybody in sight - a generational "this is us" thing.

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