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Transform Your Impossibility Into Something Concrete

Showing a whim, a fancy or grin are typical expressions of children, adults deviate from pragmatism and pay more attention to realism... while eagerness and enthusiasm take us further than anything imagined, or even something previously envisioned! Transform your impossibility into something concrete, nothing sounds more jovial than bubbling streams, than the vivid colors of striking and serene sunsets; only watercolorists make their scenes come alive on canvas and explore stroke by stroke their persuasive imagism. Anything that's bright-colored and vibrant dispels schism, and on unexpected occasions, they improve their technique! When portraits and landscapes appear to us too realistic, it's only seen through the painters' eyes as intrinsic: to all humans, they seem a showcase of indisputable talent, not realizing that what they're expressing becomes their insight!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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