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Tragedy of Man

All the subtle poking and trying Only helps swell up the underlying A jibe here and there every opportune while Ambush and surprise in style A fight whose medium blows can be felt Escalating to hit below the belt If the best man at his best aims to win The most savage will be savage in his means And the one who steers from suffering loss Is the one who puts his point across Since a man's power defies measuring But he cannot avoid gloating and posturing Then the battle of egos becomes the scale Some how much damage they leave in their trail Others in witty games of the mind Others amassing anything and everything they find Charting a way forward to a future we do not know Only to be baffled when its mystery shows Don't be a man in your carnal appetite and instinct Trust in God who makes men as gods distinct. K. Muitherero.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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