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Tough, Ode To Barry White

Life gets tough when you aren't around. Without none of the things you have to offer. So much as the ease of a smile. But what I love most about it. I am not embarrassed or afraid to admit that it's the most powerful element. At which point the sun shines it's brightest. The highlight of my day. We give our words with meaning that follows the philosophy our bodies react. Naturally. We enrich this belief. Sharing our hopes. Our dreams. An intellect that requires what we find precious. Time loses ego. We relate without rush. A fear we occupy our time with selfishness. The things we use to compensate and further hide ourselves. Being able to admit the things we otherwise keep hidden. To travel the recesses of mind we lay bare. The baritone which not only grasps attention but intent. In full intimacy. The way we came into the world. Not beginning to know or further define the things we hide. We cry not for attention but understanding. We tend to go through transitional periods not out of hurt. But to appreciate that we never take this simplicity for granted. Without you, I admit. Life gets tougher. But it's these exact moments I hope to earn. The sensuous moment time loses ego. Not in war but in ultimate expression of the time it takes to love you. It's gonna take years

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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