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Tongue Tied

I've been working on working this out, finding ways now just to open my mouth, to repair and relay all the words I couldn’t say to you and make you see that it’s not easy. Before, I'd ground these teeth down to gum fighting a battle logic says couldn’t be won between tongue versus cheek, when it’s best not to speak 'cause nothing I said could ever evenly come out in the end. A mismatched jumble of words, mass mumbled and certainly slurred between emotion and alcohol, left biting my lips raw, holding my breath and my tongue in case you saw that every single word I couldn’t let out or desert are the ones in reality that never really need to be heard.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 9/10/2012 1:43:00 AM
Lovely write Kelly! Love the theme and the flow of words! Nice!
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