Tommy's War
Tommy joined up in 1914
Though he was really too young
He was just seventeen
They gave him a uniform
They gave him a gun
They sent him to France to fight the Hun
Why he was fighting he wasn't sure
He was an innocent victim
Of a terrible war
He stood in a trench in water and mud
He watched as his comrades
Gave their life blood
His friend Johnny Laine stood at his side
A snipers bullet hit home
And young Johnny died
His tunic was splattered with Johnny's blood
Tommy's eyes filled with tears
As he lay in the mud
Tommy looked up to Heaven and angrily swore
That never again
Would he go to war
Just six months later his promise came true
As a snipers bullet
Pierced him right through
As he lay dying on that cruel day
This brave young man
Was heard to say
Johnny I'm coming we'll be together again
Far away from the trenches
Far away from the rain
So Johnny and Tommy are together once more
Where no bullets are flying
Where there is no war
So like Tommy lets swear as he did before
Never again
Will we go to war
Copyright © Denis Briggs | Year Posted 2019
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