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Imprisoned in each man This prison called "TODAY". Try however hard he can, He’s a prisoner here to stay. This little cubicle in time, called "TODAY" Is where he builds his tomorrow, Where he must work and play And drink of his cup of sorrow. He cannot reach back into yesteryear To unthink a solitary thought, To unshed a single tear. The damage has been wrought. For a man must reap The harvest he has sown. This appointment he must keep Though the date be yet unknown. Not a single seed can he unsow, Nor can a single deed be undone. The seed has already begun to grow And the deed its course must run. He cannot reach ahead into tomorrow And his future course reset. He must harvest his cup of sorrow And learn to live with his regret. So children and progeny of my womb, Hear this, a loving mother’s plea. Let not "TODAY" be for you a tomb, Though a prison it may be. Make each "TODAY" a day for living, A day for loving thy neighbor. Make each "TODAY" a day for giving Of your heart and of your labor. For a Christ-like love, always strive. Do good. Show kindness in every way, For when your tomorrows arrive Each will be your prison called "TODAY".

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/10/2016 1:33:00 AM
Marian B,,, you've expressed yourself well, I enjoyed your poem. **LINDA**
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