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Untaught vocabulary seems to retard our insanity multiplied by free speech which becomes nothing more then profanity to the public ear when not heard through the committed Outsourced, spun and sold to the masses by the media who wish to entrance the common man by offering us their opinions, sponsored by the upper classes, to be scrutinized and critiqued as it was written to address the damned Taking our intuition and using it against us As we decide if we can rationalize a decent product of their contemplation and accept or reject our perception of censored untruths We have become to diluted in their fabricated world conditions to think through it and stop the problem and we remain blind to the realization we sought maybe it's for the better we just except a fate we can't stop. Well I have seen where that leads in the past Rockefeller, Carnegie. held all the wealth amassed they financed the government and paid the country's debt while people worked 60 hrs to be homeless and eat from soup lines Democracy has become a tool of big business where there company funds pay for the campaigns that get their candidate into office from the federal to the city and even the common levels The money bought Government passes laws for corporations who have the same rights as individuals and money counts as free speech so to end corruption we must violate the corporations civil rights and people about deportation. and if you work full time and are under paid you need assistance well then by word of the republican you are a leach feeding off the tax payer. that whole dollar they may take to help the poor has you angry when they take half your money for state and federal government There are many things I could say but I end here before the story leads to the rebirth of profiling AKA Racism so if you are one to say "just let it be there is nothing to be done it's beyond me." I would respectfully call you out by way of your ethics code God does not create cowards, fear comes from weakness which comes from yourself. When I made that walk on a golden road it was with a man in a velvet robe he spoke of how life is a journey and always be bold because fear will mislead you and you will be lost from me until you pull yourself back up and breathe in the life you gained from me So if you say let it be you are lost and need to breath What we need is those who say "let me see if I am through, is this something you can prove to me? because we can not allow the world to stifle are voices and ignore their lack of accountability for how they have taught the police to protect me. If I am wrong and stuck speaking of an impossible dream then I am greatly saddened their a lump in my throat because I thought these days were gone but it would seem I'm not the only one who believes . because even though we been lost in this sea we now notice and we now scream "I Can't Breath." we will catch our breath then hate will catch its death and we will be free and by an honest Government we will be led. LET IT BE, NA MAKE THEM SEE.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 3/23/2024 9:32:00 PM
Snap Snap Snap Snap Snap! Well, I can Always Depend on you to be Brutally Honest with a side of flare for the dramatic - thank you - another fav!!
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