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To Shannon

Let us petition our Most Holy Omnipotence Thank you for allowing us to make mistakes Thank you for allowing us to correct them Thank you for allowing us to effectuate our faith. Sovereign Lord of the Universe Thank you for allowing us to thank you We do not deserve Your Leniency Yet when in need you feed us truth. As we observe your indefectibility We humble ourselves As we forget your principles You remember our effort. So we ask that you strengthen our retentiveness We ask that you deface our weaknesses We plead that you nullify our intention to give up We beg that you erase our reasons to quit. Let us forgive like you Let us understand ourselves Creator of all things... That we may vindicate our health Let us live like You...forever. Amen. 11/25/2015

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 1/4/2016 2:05:00 PM
beautifully painted piece in his light powerful pen
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Date: 11/28/2015 4:15:00 PM
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Date: 11/28/2015 5:54:00 AM
Bravery is not something you can easily define...But I think Shannon was indeed brave! I am not a "God fearing" man: But please, Sir, if in your infinite wisdom you could see your way to bless and protect her...I would be eternally grateful!!
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Date: 11/28/2015 5:49:00 AM
I knew of a little girl once called Shannon. She was the centre of her mothers universe. Tragically she was taken from her family when she was so very, very young. Seconds before her death she turned her face upwards towards her weeping father and spoke her last: "Do not cry for me, daddy...For I am going to see the angels". When I find the strength to honour her name with words I will endeavour to do so. Amen! My best regards! :) john P.s Her parents were so devastated by her death that they started a trust for children. The money raised goes towards helping alleviate their suffering; it is called the Shannon Bradshaw Trust. Thank you for your poem...It has helped remind me just how fortunate I truly am. :) john
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