To Shannon
Let us petition our Most Holy Omnipotence
Thank you for allowing us to make mistakes
Thank you for allowing us to correct them
Thank you for allowing us to effectuate our faith.
Sovereign Lord of the Universe
Thank you for allowing us to thank you
We do not deserve Your Leniency
Yet when in need you feed us truth.
As we observe your indefectibility
We humble ourselves
As we forget your principles
You remember our effort.
So we ask that you strengthen our retentiveness
We ask that you deface our weaknesses
We plead that you nullify our intention to give up
We beg that you erase our reasons to quit.
Let us forgive like you
Let us understand ourselves
Creator of all things...
That we may vindicate our health
Let us live like You...forever. Amen.
Copyright © J Hamilton Gist | Year Posted 2015
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