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To my love

To my love I cannot tell as others do Thou you are a such a pulchritude The ideal love of glory You alone you were born The angel with a gold heart I shall but love thee in my death bed My heart can tell how, The sky can turn blue in daylight But I will never leave thee sight The night birds can sing in darkness But my heart will still tell the same story to your ear Love can tell when it's real I will flow in one direction like a river with you I love thee till the ocean is fold of flags and hung up to dry If the stars can cause a collision that will be the end of us if we unite I like those sweet lips of you The gently, the fade not the fame To my own native shore The story of thee love in my Medusa The hyacinth skin,thee classic lips To the glory that God praise And happiness that is home You can be the servent of my heart The agate map within thee hands, The love from the passage of my heart, That God breeds For as free the soul can wound If this love is a story I shall be the writer.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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