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To Hate

To Hate ... wrenching the world apart Its forte is transgressing hearts Pitting a sibling against a sibling Starving children without quibbling To Hate... in battles over God Where 'Holy Wars' are nothing odd To children renouncing moms and dads To their young depraved and sad To Hate... as evil wins the games Spreading anguish in the name Of faith and brotherhood of man To Hate... it boasts the best laid plan To Hate.. where in the final hour Those seething souls who give it power Will answer to the Lord above For Hate is choosing... not to Love

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/15/2020 7:23:00 PM
Jane, thank U, thank U, thank U for encouraging me. Yes we choose these DARK ways. Why? Your poems second to last stanza suggests Humans hate "in God's name." So glad U have Stanza #1, "sibling against sibling" (my Dad played us against each other!!?) Bless you (Peace & shalom, ShalOm).anil deo
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Vandoe Avatar
Jane Vandoe
Date: 5/16/2020 1:16:00 PM
Thank you... for your words of encouragement in my endeavor to express the feelings I hear from my heart... I can only hope that some readers understand... that a few can relate... and that those who don't will forgive my inability to connect... God bless you

Book: Reflection on the Important Things