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To Envoke a Smile

Poet's Notes

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Focus on a plot, may you like a lot, in this beginning so you introduce- at it's middle you did deduce- an end- is what you have, too produce- Testing this out; you dial out any number, ask! is Perry - Slap Happy News there with you? polite voice on that other end said; wrong # try again, this is Tate, for heaven sake... a little later; you 'call again' 2nd time same voice; have you misdialed again- you laugh, as you sound off; 'Right then! I'm sorry to have bothered you' again... 'Last dial' to that # same voice, now announce you had to know-asking, have I mispronounced I'm Slap Happy News your reporter- I truly be! hee hee " has any calls come-in for me " silence- a pause, on his other end, awhile... then right on! - you did produce - a Smile. well folks all this is 'a PRANK 'also known as... conversation, frustration, aggravation

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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