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To Depress To Care

Today is the most depress I have ever been I talked to my kids on the phone today I haven't heard their sweet vocies for months I couldn't hold back my tears It was like they didn't even know who I was Man I was so crushed They are my world But sense I've lost them My world been one big spining top that never stops I would do anything to have them back But ever time I fight I lose I just want to step in traffic And say forget I try and be strong but I don't know how much longer I can be strong Cause my weekness is shinning threw A little more each day

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 7/5/2011 7:24:00 PM
kristina we need to talk i've been lookin for you for a long time please post on my facebook or myspace or something but we need to talk about some things
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