To All My Friends On Poetry Soup
To My Friends on Poetry Soup
Thank you for all your lovely comments
On my poems which you have read
I just can’t keep up with replies
So I’ll thank all here instead
You’ve shown such hospitality
To the newbie that I am
And I guess you all know by now
That I’m a shameless little ham
Please know that I am grateful
For every word you’ve said
You’d be surprised to learn
What nonsense is in my head!
I’d love to sit and thank you all
EVERY one of you, one by one
But Mr. Arthuritis strikes my fingers
And my bun!
I cannot sit forever
Striking all these keys
My fingers start to curl up
My PC tends to freeze
So I ask you humbly, bear with me
And take me as I am
I love all your wonderful work
In this lovely poetry jam
And to all those pesky gremlins
That lurk within my keys
Bug off…go away…
I know you love to tease
But you hang around my PC
Like some horrible disease
So thanks again my friend
I’ll try hard to comply
And slowly but surely
I’ll send you my reply!
Bea (Grandma Bea)
Copyright © Beatrice Boyle | Year Posted 2011
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