To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain - Zhang Huan
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for Charlotte Puddifoot's Contest
Form: swap quatrain/senyru utilised for experimental haibun
Inspired by a photograph from the performance piece: "To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain" by Zhang Huan
"Beyond the mountain, there are mountains"
Traditional Chinese Proverb
stop and analyse, don't linger without moving
contemplation of a moment can be soothing
still, getting too close or embedded isn't wise
don't linger without moving, stop and analyse
you've seen the lay of the land, noted the hill
do you settle for this stack or have you had your fill
come to me, rest awhile, await the will to stand
noted the hill, you've seen the lay of the land
is the test of the ride the terrain you endure
what do you do when you cannot stand any more
with intent, just roll down to the other side
the terrain you endure is the test of the ride
as bodies surround, you will feel their weight
does the visceral crush give meaning to your fate
without any ties at all, we are unequivocally bound
you will feel their weight, as bodies surround
from this vantage point, please take the view
in all this discomfort there's really nothing new
when sound of mind, locate the visual disjoint
please take the view from this vantage point
when everything has matter
"what's the matter" is everything
yet (in)existence is in the space to think
Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2025
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