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To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain - Zhang Huan

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for Charlotte Puddifoot's Contest
Form: swap quatrain/senyru utilised for experimental haibun Inspired by a photograph from the performance piece: "To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain" by Zhang Huan "Beyond the mountain, there are mountains" Traditional Chinese Proverb
stop and analyse, don't linger without moving contemplation of a moment can be soothing still, getting too close or embedded isn't wise don't linger without moving, stop and analyse you've seen the lay of the land, noted the hill do you settle for this stack or have you had your fill come to me, rest awhile, await the will to stand noted the hill, you've seen the lay of the land is the test of the ride the terrain you endure what do you do when you cannot stand any more with intent, just roll down to the other side the terrain you endure is the test of the ride as bodies surround, you will feel their weight does the visceral crush give meaning to your fate without any ties at all, we are unequivocally bound you will feel their weight, as bodies surround from this vantage point, please take the view in all this discomfort there's really nothing new when sound of mind, locate the visual disjoint please take the view from this vantage point * when everything has matter "what's the matter" is everything yet (in)existence is in the space to think

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 3/4/2025 11:11:00 AM
Back with Congratulations on your win. I enjoyed reading this wonderful "mountain" write again. Have a fun day writing away..............
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 3/4/2025 11:27:00 AM
Thank you Paula, appreciated x
Date: 3/3/2025 11:46:00 AM
Dear dd, what an artistic and clever poem this is, i love how in your senryu youv used brackets, there, reminds me of mathematical poems that i used to so on instagram, not sure if youve heard of them, i havent thought of them for a while but now im inspired to do one. And as for your poem this gives an introspective and deep touch! And the way youv done swaps is impressive along with rhymes! "getting too close or embedded isn't wisedon't linger without moving, stop and analyse" these lines i love the most, as they resonate with me! Pleasure reading this deeply profound poem! A fave for me! Best wishes
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 3/3/2025 2:33:00 PM
I haven't heard of mathematical poems - I use brackets sometimes for highlighting two realities that appear to conflict. It was a lovely piece of art to focus on - so much said. Thank you for the fave :)
Date: 3/3/2025 11:11:00 AM
I enjoyed reading your wonderful "mountain" write with a great ending. "Good Luck" Saturday I was in class talking about this. Have a great time writing away.................
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 3/3/2025 2:30:00 PM
What an amazing coincidence Paula! I only just discovered the artist, so have no concept of how well known they are. Thanks for your kind words x
Date: 3/3/2025 9:31:00 AM
Dear DD, How amazingly layered with reflection and wisdom. I just love the way you navigate the challenges of life, from the mountains to the body’s weight, is deeply moving. I love the depth in your words, there’s always more to discover and you always make me think. Spring Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 3/3/2025 2:28:00 PM
Such kind words Daniel, thank you! It is quite an amazing piece of art (not posted with the poem due to the amount of skin on show). I'm so pleased you found so much within my words. This was a very early morning write when I couldn't sleep.
Date: 3/3/2025 8:39:00 AM
A mind blowing interpretation Dilly, adding one meter to an anonymous mountain, this time it was me googling how Zhang did it, what a conceptual Ekphrasis this one is, imagery is off the scale throughout, yeah go on it’s got to be a Fave, cheers David
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 3/3/2025 2:25:00 PM
Woohoo! Thank you :) I feel like the whole poem exists just for the final line. I do wonder what a pre-poet me would make of this art. Poetry has certainly opened my mind. Thank you for that most kind fave, I shall treasure it :)

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