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Tis the Night Before Christmas

Was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not one living creature was stirring not even my pet grouse… When all of a sudden there was this horrific noise, when I turned around I saw it was a drunken Santa staring at me through his glassy red eyes and runny red nose… It was all I could do not yell and chase him out, for you see I couldn’t let him leave to go to some other house… All I could do was to scold him out for he must have drunk all the rum the men had put out… Now I found myself making coffee, to sober him up, so that he could leave and place all the toys for all the good boys and girls before the night would run out… With Santa sobered up he was rearing to go but before he left he promised me no more “RUM” for it was to bold… As he left to finish his rounds, he yells “Merry Christmas” to all and woke the neighbor-hood up… Goodnight Santa and forget my house for I don’t want anyone to know that you are a drunken louse… By Sandra Lea Hoban ©2010

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 5/30/2012 5:28:00 AM
A warm welcome to PoetrySoup I offer to you Sandra. I wish for you the best in your writing endeavors whatever they may be. May you find inspiration by reading some of the poetry written here by other poets. May the sun shine on you that you might find great joy in your life. Love, Carol
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