Tin Man
A heart for the Tin Man
A brain for the old 'crow
Hello there, metal man,
How do you do today?
Dear tin brain
Dear tin limbs. Oh dear!
Weren't they always tin?
Dear, gold and bronze golem,
You don't mean to say
You were a man?
A real one?
A tin beast, you were born
Aluminum in your heart, aluminum in your soul,
Can't you feel its dust in your lungs?
Silly man, you don't have a heart,
You don't have a life
You have limbs rusting with malaise
And a hollow head
You metal man.
Dear tin fellow.
Have you any eyes? Have you any eyes
Or simply hollow metal wounds gaping in your forehead with small grins
But do you grin?
Or does your metal mouth simply
Stretch across your face like
A bloodless axe wound?
Do your limbs run with that crimson stuff?
Or are they hollow, hollow, hollow
Like the hole in your chest?
Swing your axe, dear tin man,
Chop your trees, metal golem,
Let me watch you
With a pathetic smile
You pathetic man
Metal cannot feel
Tin cannot burn
You cannot die
Goodbye, dear tin man,
Rest your tin head and sleep.
Copyright © Sonia Allen | Year Posted 2024
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