Times They Are A-Changing
Some people are devious
They skirt around the truth
But never actually say what they mean
I'm assuming because of an ulterior motive
Or it's a lack of understanding
I would hope it's the latter
But there's certainly times when it's the former
Just happened to me
I won't bore you with the details
But it means someone I've been working with
For about 25 years
Is about to be eliminated from the equation
In order to advance the agenda
Of someone new on the scene
Trying to impress and offer their opinion
I must be naive or from the old school
But I like to think I telling it like it is
Or rather say nothing if I think
It might offend someone's feelings
But those cases are much more rare
I guess the bottom line is
“Times they are a-changing”
Copyright © Jack Ellison | Year Posted 2024
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