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Time Will Try Its Best To Break You

Little kid, do not despair Time isn't meant to be fair It will try its best to break you And people won't help the situation too So do not despair When those ugly people mock you Do not despair When you are left helpless Do not despair When nobody recognise your worth For time isn't meant to be fair It will try to break you And people won't help the situation too These chances and differences Creates you your own story And it doesn't forget to fix one for me... When the face of the clock looks ugly and worse Do not go helpless with remorse Think of candies and ice creams How sweet and savoury they are Then smile, and live your dreams Soon you'll find yourself shining like a star So little one do not despair For time isn't mean to be fair

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 1/30/2017 7:00:00 AM
A great advising poem true to life and how to be prepared for challenges always. Yeah life isn't a piece of cake but like u encouraged positivity lets enjoy icecream neh. Awesome rhyming here. Kudos. Nice to read from your pen again , I hope u will too my latest. And happy new yr take care whitesage yor words sage like.
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White Sage
Date: 1/31/2017 4:31:00 AM
thanks for the read Zaynurb, I feel like there should be more of ice creams and candies this days, and I wish it would take away the sourness in the minds of all. it's good seeing your comment...coming over to yours straightaway
Date: 1/17/2017 8:46:00 PM
Think of candies and ice cream!!! yes!!! I love this :) Seriously... it's a very uplifting poem. Well done!
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White Sage
Date: 1/24/2017 5:41:00 AM
Thanks for the encouraging comment and apologies for the late reply, I think there's one unique stress killer that kids have...and that's candies and creams, well some toys will be good too lol. have a nice day

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