Time Will Try Its Best To Break You
Little kid, do not despair
Time isn't meant to be fair
It will try its best to break you
And people won't help the situation too
So do not despair
When those ugly people mock you
Do not despair
When you are left helpless
Do not despair
When nobody recognise your worth
For time isn't meant to be fair
It will try to break you
And people won't help the situation too
These chances and differences
Creates you your own story
And it doesn't forget to fix one for me...
When the face of the clock looks ugly and worse
Do not go helpless with remorse
Think of candies and ice creams
How sweet and savoury they are
Then smile, and live your dreams
Soon you'll find yourself shining like a star
So little one do not despair
For time isn't mean to be fair
Copyright © White Sage | Year Posted 2016
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