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Time Traveler

Poet's Notes

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Starman Poetry Contest
Sponsor- Tom Woody
~ Placed Third~


(Onam is Kerala’s state festival based on the belief of the annual visit of Mahabali, the legendary king of the land, now an occupant of the netherworld.) I am Mahabali, the king who ruled the land of Kerala. Now a Time Traveler from the netherworld. I loved my land and my people as best as I could With unstinted commitment and devotion, I served my people and strived for their welfare. They loved me in turn, never a protest was raised. The state was in its glorious phase with peace and prosperity Abounding all across the far reaches of my kingdom. Every village and town, each nook and corner, Rang with hearty cheers and songs of mirth. Freedom and welfare were the hallmark of my reign. With my fame escalating day by day, even gods grew jealous. Never suspecting any fraudulence and not knowing, It was Lord Vishnu who came to me as a Brahmin avatar, And when asked for some land to do worship, That could be measured in just three steps, I granted the boy’s wish, being compassionate. Soon he grew into mammoth proportions, Covered the entire universe with his two steps! I realized that the boy was Lord Vishnu in disguise. Seeing that there was no more land left, I bowed before the boy offering my head for the next step. He pushed me to the netherworld, but with a boon, To visit my land and my people every year. I have been visiting my people all these years But with each visit I have seen only decadence My land, once the abode of peace and prosperity Has now become one of disunity, corruption, war and violence Sadly, I have resolved not to visit my land anymore. This is my final visit with a warning to all my people; “Learn from the past, and the endless tortures suffered That instead of division, oppression and disharmony You should find common ground to stand and thrive, For in unity lies humanity’s joy and progress. Leave behind greed and the mad lust for power. Alter your course and heal the wounds of the earth. Let love and peace guide you now and unto eternity.”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/10/2025 10:00:00 AM
Oh wow. I have just read this in a dazed and awed fashion. I just did a piece like this the other day and I am happily seeing more kindred souls. We really should strive to save our beloved home. Pettiness only serves us in the negative as is so eloquently put by Mahali. I feel his anger and disappointment at Vishnu, at us and at himself. This is the best thing I have come across for a while now. Consider me a fan. Cheers.
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Date: 11/22/2024 2:28:00 PM
Beautiful message I think all Nations need to take heed to, congrats on your placement well deserved
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Date: 11/22/2024 10:31:00 AM
Congratulations on your placement, Valsa! A choice such as King Mahabali of Hindu mythology is very special. Delightful tribute to the time-traveler and penetrating cultural journey into the Indian folklore. :):)
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Date: 11/22/2024 8:45:00 AM
Hey congrats on your placement Valsa! This was an entirely unique angle on the theme and had an inspiring message for mankind. And, of course, it was exceptionally well written as is your norm. Have a great weekend
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Valsa George
Date: 11/22/2024 7:04:00 PM
Thank you dear Tom for this great honor. I feel so delighted.
Date: 11/21/2024 11:14:00 AM
A story needed for modern times. His yearly visit brings some hope and a cheerful Onam festival.
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Date: 11/21/2024 2:19:00 AM
- An interesting story ... he bring many wise words .. lovely written, Valsa :) - Best wishes in the contest :) - hugs
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Date: 11/21/2024 2:00:00 AM
great poem, with hindi references and a very important message, the world needs peace and love, thank you poet valsa for the luminous poetry yann
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Date: 11/20/2024 11:59:00 PM
A well written narrative Valsa, the whole world needs someone to come and steer mankind away from the problems that are all too common right now. Problem is mankind pays no heed to the warnings. Good luck in the contest. Tom
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