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Time To Clean House

It's been covered by that christmas tablecloth for years. You remember... the one with the large poinsettia pattern directly in the middle, with the cranberry stains decorating sporadic spots along the border. I almost forgot it was here. I always hoped somehow a magic trick would be performed while I was away and it would disappear before I returned. The years have passed for me yet as I do the unceremonious unveiling time seems to spiral backwards until I'm sitting on the floor drowning in a flood of memories. Yet, no more tears come. Time to clean house. No more tablecloths to cover the pain. No more boxes to tuck away the memories that are better off forgotten. No more excuses for not visiting this place. No more. This space is clean now and will remain that way. Clear of the cobwebs and dust that have been clouding my vision for too many years. The heavy velvet curtains give a groan (or is it a cheer?) as they're thrown open. Finally, the sun can shine through and the warmth can be felt by a heart that was unsure it deserved to feel the warmth of the sun.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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