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Time, Memory and the Night

What time claims for itself, Memories placed on the shelf, Memories of the lost, And the reckoning cost. As life’s journey unfolds, It takes away and remoulds, Some things are hidden in the chamber, It stays with us until our final slumber. Time teaches, Like a voice that preaches, As the day departs and the night arrives, Courage inadvertently thrives. Looking through life’s windows, Some things are veiled in the shadows, Some are revealed before we ease into the night, Where nothing is kept from the light. January I, 2024.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/3/2024 8:59:00 PM
Thanks for sharing this. God bless you. Meanwhile, I greet you with a Joyous New Year with this prayer from the Bible in Numbers 6:24-26, "The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace."
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Emate Avatar
Thompson Emate
Date: 1/4/2024 12:02:00 AM
Thank you, Beata, for stopping by. I say AMEN to the prayers.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry