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Time Clack

Once upon a distant dream you were fit and lean. Could eat almost anything. Slam drinks until the vampire's sunrise but still make the whistle on time. Now your bloated mirror is the alpha enemy. You need more naps than a colicky baby. Even the flats seem like a steep climb uphill. Your countertop flanked like a mountain of pills. Some for the mind phantom. Some for the real ailments. Piggy backing doctors who don't interact. it's no longer a balancing act. it's a swarm of blood shot eyed jackals. Waiting for your collapse. Truth is, it didn't happen overnight. It was a slow decline down a barbed wire slide. A concoction of snake oil charmers Big pharma politicians. Slippery salesmanship...lack of discipline. Let us not forget about that sinister-sadistic - unforgiver! Time.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/21/2022 5:20:00 AM
Time's no respecter It raises its spectre The only defectors All hopped the connector
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