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Tick tack on the wall, Knocking all the wall, Scaring us all, Muscling the muscles, Muscling the morsels in us, Quickening the finest deep, The hidden gold of gold, A dignity of labour, How loyal and diligent you are, Precious and precarious, Dangerous and conspicuous. TIME !!TIME!!TICK TACK! Running without waiting for anybody, How impatient could man be, In your sound you keep man, In haste at everydawn, Thou hath in the haste of full dawn, Desperately desperate, Anxiously anxious, Wisely wise are we and you Preciously precious, Nothing can be done without you that's obivously obvious. TIME !!TIME!!TICK TACK! We chose to choose you, Working to work with you, Falling to fall with you, No time no food, No time no suite, No time no cheat, No time no shift, No time no me, there is set time for everything, Mama use to say, Patience is virtue of time, that's the way whichever way. TIME !!TIME!!TICK TACK!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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