I was lonely living in a cats rescue
then my destined family came along
how wonderful that day when I met you
knowing then to you I wanted to belong,
when I arrived at my future new home
excited, strange smells, now I must explore
an whole house, big garden for me to roam
this couldn't be better, I couldn't ask for more,
by the way they kept my name, it's Tigger
I'm a tabby, got a bit of a cheek
not very big in fact I wish I was bigger
never mind I've got some bedrooms to peek,
now I'm in my new home I will decide
which family member to please, adopt
first find a nice warm place to sleep and hide
cosy cupboard or wardrobe if unlocked,
oh I will make them adore me, I'm cute
will allow them some love and affection
but only if I'm in the mood, I'm no brute
I'm a pussy cat, could say perfection,
now I'm settled in, set the boundary
they know where they stand, they know all my needs
fuss me if I want, then there's no quandary
just take care of me, I eat expensive feeds,
I like to go roaming during night-time hours
they don't know where I am, or where I've been
but they know they’re mine, under my powers
now you know, Tigger is the undisputed QUEEN.
Personification Poem
Of A Pet, Wild Animal or Insect
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin.
Copyright © Roy Pett | Year Posted 2018
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