Tied down
How long will I have to be here?
I have been here since as long as I can remember
Tried to move on
But I am trapped to
I am tied to you
Fate and destiny doesn't want me to move on
I am on a collar
You pull me back
It chocks me - I feel like I can't stand it any longer
I can't breath - I am going more under
There have been attempts
The leasehold is part of me
I am tied up in a straight jacket and I need that assistance
I am defenceless without it
Can't look after myself
I have tried it
Have the ambition but not the heart
Have the desire but not the will
I have the dream but not the reality
Can't do this much longer - feels like it's slowly killing me
A torturous death
A long death
It is slow and it is painful and everyone can see it
It wears on me - it holds me back - it tires me
Can't take this much longer
How much longer can I be here?
Copyright © Martyn King | Year Posted 2024
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