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Tick Tock Is the Most Popular Social Media Sight Today

"Tick Tock is the most popular social media sight today." And information from that sight is stored inside computer data basis in Red China. It is causing discontent and social unrest upon America in the streets of America. And yet among people twenty-five years old and younger it is by far the most popular "go to" website today. It certainly is highly promoted on social media sites such as You Tube for example. Let me put this way plain and simple. Would you invite outside or inside enemies into your own personal living, recreational and working spaces? The answer is of course not! And yet each time you post something on Tick Tock, you are inviting your very own personal enemy inside your spears of influences! And the personal enemy of the free world right into your personal and private spaces. And your very own personal information is being stored on Red Chinese computers and data banks. The Red Chinese are not above extortion, threats, assignations, and black male. If you have a Tick Tock account, close it If you ever achieve an area of personal prominence and spears of social and or business influences. You will automatically become personal targets of the Red Chinese. You will be targeted to have elicit sexual/ and or drug relations and be black mailed. If you become a threat or they have no further use for you, they will target and assassinate you! They are carrying out successful global assignations that will never make most of main stream media. Those who are rich, powerful, influential social, legal and have business statues. Those who are entertainment and sports celebrities are well aware what I am posting about. It is because it has already happened to them. They will target Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Safe guard yourselves in advance of achieving success in your lives. Red China and Russia are stealing the intelligence data from small business to be used against America because they can't afford proper security measures! Some security systems are becoming more affordable to them. "Million of Americans are leaving the Democratic Party and multitudes of Americans are withdrawing their children from the public school systems. If the Republican Party ever becomes like the Democratic Party has become, the American people will lose all confidence in them." There are Republicans that are aware of this and will help to prevent it from happening to their party today! Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea/ October Country July 20, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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