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random thoughts and a cuppa cold coffee

thus, like snow, cold ashes fall charred history’s hubristic gales truth’s torment tucked into howling acquiescent innocence. Empty men line the banks fishless rivers sit idle barbless hooks impugn the air ivy strangled rowboats sigh With age color fades into the weariness wonder wanders among the weeds joy darts through day lit darkness hides hope’s vacant sunshine time taints tomorrow’s tomorrow the calendar’s lie tri-colored ink charade mocking the idleness of one so busy last call nightcap dosage John G. Lawless ©6/8/2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 6/16/2019 8:04:00 AM
Epic poetry, John! I agree w/Eileen ... many depth of thought sayings. You are a walking encyclopedia of human nature, my dear friend. Wonderful prose. Love and more love always.
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Date: 6/9/2019 2:43:00 AM
John, this was filled with some many deep meanings. These lines got to me: cold ashes fall charred history’s hubristic gales. How did you come with with hubristic gales? I could never do something like that. I strive to write poetry that can be interpreted in so many ways by the reader, but I'm afraid my work is just surface stuff. :( the part about the empty men made me think of that poem, "We are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men". May your Tomorrow's tomorrow be bright. :)
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John Lawless
Date: 6/9/2019 7:39:00 AM
Hey, good to hear from you. I must take issue with your self deprecating evaluation of your writing, your style, insight and passion imbue your poetry with "you". Thanks for stopping to read and comment.

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