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Thunderous Applause

This site is da bomb, my haven so to speak It's where I go to mellow out Away from the ugly news of the day That we constantly hear about Without this site, my life would be boring I'd walk around mumbling away Oblivious to the big old world passing by Whatta great way to start the day So many people call The Soup their home Scattered throughout this big planet Personalities as varied as the fish in the ocean So many, they run the damn gamut From witty, to clever, intellectual or romantic We all call it home sweet home A retreat, a getaway from all of life's hassles A place to let our true hearts roam So let's hear some of that thunderous applause Because here's the inside scoop All of us would probably fade into oblivion Instead, we're just happy as poop

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/10/2021 11:29:00 AM
Hello Happy Jack, yes we all need to applause foe being here. love, darlene xxxx-oooo.
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Date: 1/10/2021 11:26:00 AM
It’s where we met, so that’s something too! ~xomo
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry