Through Our Eyes
The greatest thing God has ever created is a child.
The most beautiful thing God has ever created is a woman.
The most wonderful experience God has ever created is having a family.
If only I could live each persons life and experience the love for their family.
So many love stories never known or told only to be lost in history. We will never know.
So many people craving, yearning & eventually falling into madness without love.
So many beautiful women that the word beauty cannot come close to describing their inner and outer self with a pure heart of gold. No man’s worthy. No man.
So many beautiful women with an angelic outer self but a cruel, heartless, cold, complete lack of compassion, Black, empty inner self people flock to.
So many Physically unattractive, unwanted, shunned, mocked women with an inner beauty that could light up the universe. Hidden away. Never to be known.
Why can’t we see each other’s souls instead of the flesh? Are we still controlled by our caveman instincts? Has today’s society made every man and woman yearn for that perfect partner? Why can’t we be attracted to the goodness of other people the way we are attracted to a beautiful women? God has created so many indescribably beautiful things in this world. Billions upon billions of people in this world and there are two that are soulmates but will never cross paths. Only if we knew how to find them. A world full of soulmates brought together would be heaven on earth. Where are you my soulmate?
Robbie Mcclellan
Copyright © Robbie Mcclellan | Year Posted 2018
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