Three sides to a story
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written 22/11/2024
Silent one sponsored
8 syllables each line
she said she was, he said he was,
then how? said constable at loss?
fact was the old lady was dead,
she looked like asleep in her bed,
but she must have passed suddenly
nothing suggests she was poorly,
except her mouth was wide open,
next to her drugs she had taken,
her son said was busy at work,
his wife said it sounds so berserk,
because she had bid her goodbye,
go upstairs to have a short lie!
suspicion lurked on every side,
did vindictive daughter in law
put an end to mother in law?
son eager for inheritance,
is now not showing repentance?
police would believe them neither,
for a week held them in tether,
post mortem report soon revealed,
truth that she from them had concealed,
her breast cancer was too advanced,
with treatment life not be enhanced,
she took her drugs to ease her pain,
bore quietly to cause no strain,
a blood clot in lungs was her end,
breast cancers to blood stream do send,
heartbreaks, tears at this final call,
three sides to story, after all!
epitaph in her own hand read,
“more is to love, than can be said!”
Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2024
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