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Three Camels and a Whore

Three camels and A whore Worked the desert In the heat of the midday sun Tanned and sinewy Plying their trade Sleeping in the chill when done Transporting goods Or transporting men To them it was all the same Never looking for more Than the minimum wage For something,or someone To blame Taking it all upon themselves the weight of the world as a song Carrying the sins or the goods therein they solemnly plodded along

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/28/2022 7:38:00 PM
Plying the trade... Let's see now, If these camels were in the forest, they might be cut up for plywood...
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Vickey Rhymer
Date: 5/1/2022 4:25:00 PM
Last I heard plywood was going for 48 dollars a don't suppose it has anything to do with all the storm damage?I hate price gouging.To me it is like kicking someone who is already down.Greedy Gusses.Have you heard of the Appalachian sin eaters.They were paid by folks usually with food to take on the sins of the deceased.Yet the community hated them and ostracized them till they Were in need of their services.Auto correct keeps changing what I wrote to gibberish or spelling more atrocious than mine..yes,Auto correct is my worst enema.
Date: 4/28/2022 6:32:00 PM
I guess if no body will take the bait I'll comment on it myself.Loved the way you used the camel to represent commercialism and of course the prostitute immorality.The timing represents ,I think ,our penchant for making things more difficult than necessary.The cool of the night I would liken to death. The lack of taking responsibility for self that seems to be running riot.Settling for so much less than is offered to us all. Just plodding along till they kick it.
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