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Thorns and Rose

Gracious are those petals of rose, Whose beauty heralds love in the world, Whose fragrance with its divine wand, Steals the heart of appealing ones. Cursed are those thorns of rose, Whose deeds are pricked by world, Who once protected the expectant, But are now envied by selfish world. Such are the roses of flunked success, Who under the chaos of wealth and fame, Forget those trembling thorns of love, Who protected them from being torned by world. Thorns are as lotus stem, Rot in mud to bloom the bud, But are loathed by immoral world, But are loathef by immoral world.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/22/2020 9:30:00 AM
Thorns are but modified leaves! My finger that pokes your eye (Social Distancing will save U), is like my lung, kidney ... from the same two cells (embryo). U repeated the last line, maybe meant to fix spelling & delete? I miss what this line means "Who protected them from being torned by world." THORNED or TORN?
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Pratikshya Barik
Date: 5/22/2020 1:07:00 PM
Actually I meant that the thorns who protected the petals of the bud from being plucked, were rejected by people. I mean we are so engrossed in adoring the beauty of the flower that we never realise the importance of the thorns. Well I originally wrote the poem in reference to the role of parents in our life. The thorns are parents and the flowers are the children. Well thanks senior for your advice I will definitely improve. Sry if I talk too much..

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