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Thomas the Jefferson's Train

In my dream Thomas Jefferson pops out a pilgrim in The Jeffersons family, proprietors of Chinese laundries on the best end of Main Street’s forested path emerging toward Sanford and Sons and Daughters Recycling Dump. Here, midst polyglot stone soups both informing and deforming, occasionally reforming without asking permission first to speak without listening and act without speaking Thomas declares revolutionary interdependence with EarthTribe’s integrity as his senior honor’s thesis read out boldly to collegial students teaching multicultural re-ligious enrichment, hoping for co-empathic network reconnections WinWinning sacred ecological outcomes. Thomas, sometimes called Red behind his considerable backside, discovered repurposing for his national economic retirement thesis and recovering recycling paths of golden rules restoring integrity's intentions As political antithesis of RightWing monotheistic systemic trauma survivors who had hoped to grow up to join sacred EarthMother communionations Which is merely a more high-toned reference to the Sanford's village recycling crashdump for at-risk people looking for more inviting places with sufficient panentheistic space for the entire upstairs-downstairs Jefferson Tribe feasting on Arabian DayDream stews with acorn stud muffins. When Red heard young Thomas hoped to revive religioning MidWays all along pilgrim’s bipartisan Main Street sonnet consumptions and play productions he prayed to Martha Washington “My heart, my heart, I can not survive this win/lose disrational deconstruction!” Somehow SuperHero Thomas the Jeffersonian Train regenerates a multicultural chain of win/win fools to reconnect his foxy precycling plant into a WuWei forest of sweet and sour bodhisattva delights, currency accepted up and down NurturingWay’s carnival Pain-Is-A-Warning one way street in Jefferson’s NoShirtTicket-NoLaundryService busy mess of inhumane privilege deforming Earth’s Rights to procreate recreation of poli-eco-normic education, schools of synchronic swimming Red Jeffersonian fish remembering how to pilgrim surf thru interracial plowing seasons to turn out hot melting stone soup feasts of uniting nation futures invested in laundering unhealthy wealth until Thomas redreams rainbow cream. As Thomas this Jefferson Train pulled away from FlyAway pilgrimage station, he called out to all repurposing Foxes, Merry Messiahs to all nations and states of recycling benighted dreams. Now there’s a good night’s sleep you’ll never address backward inside-out again.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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