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This Time Around

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The world unravels like a threadbare flag— stitched in whispers, undone by the weight of sky. You stand accused of love’s ancient crime, the heart’s embezzlement, the art of leaving. But who can blame the eternal lover when the clock rewinds without consent? The same moon tugs at the hem of the ocean, the same stars blinking like guilty witnesses, and here, again, this fragile fabric of what surrounds us—still stained from the last time we were here. To lose you: a wound deep enough to unseam time itself. I’d rather see the world collapse into a single moment, a black hole eating its own memory, than watch you vanish. This time, this time: the hymn repeats itself, a needle caught in vinyl’s slow suicide. Even love cannot outpace entropy. So look around: a world in doubt is still a world. A crime committed in the name of love is still a prayer. And this time around, we'll call it salvation, even as it ruins us again.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/10/2025 12:30:00 PM
Yes sir... another love poem. Lost love still qualifies as romance. "... stars blinking like guilty witnesses" is a fantastic line.
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Joel Hawksley
Date: 2/18/2025 6:02:00 AM
I appreciate your comment, as it indicates that my work resonated with you and encouraged you to engage with it. Thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts.

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