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This Thing Love

(Modern Sonnet) What is this thing love that makes fools of kings; that makes a once low and lonely pauper dance, or the most cheerful heart now cry while singing - yet ready for another awkward chance. Is there anything in this mortal life that thrice bitten, we reach out again to where angels and demons dance with knives and where pain seems too common an end. I think not - I think it is our soul's gold, a quest that is never, ever ending, then once in our grasp, to no one sold, nor value in a heart pretending. I look upon this love and pray, that never can I let it slip away.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 7/15/2017 12:29:00 PM
I love this sonnet, Craig. Having been stabbed in the back on 3 occasions, I no longer look for love. If it per chance found me, i would only entertain. In other words, my heart can't stand anymore of what love brings. When love is good, nothing's better, when it's bad, nothing's worse, but I get the attraction!
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Date: 7/15/2017 10:53:00 AM
and yet to feel such sweet desire we'll sell our souls to even the darkest mire...I like this poem from you Craig, you asked a question and gave the purest answer
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