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This Past Hours Recollections

AM:00 and the ambient intelligence around me grows and the dread lights resound they are too bright I can’t hear myself think they are too loud buzzing and I cannot hear myself think Think think think and I swear I saw a sound moving ever so carefully across the carpet as a beam of light enters the machines brain and a thought is constructed however feeble and lame and I’m dying to know to know what it knows about itself or the outside of its own shell Just as I am trapped in my own form and constricted we are all dying to know what anothers life is like to walk in ones shoes as the say but without a way to do so that is our world today

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 7/21/2014 10:29:00 AM
- Warm welcome to PoetrySoup, Brooke :) - I choose your first great written poem - Nice to meet you :) - Hope you will be satisfied with our "soup family" - we are many .. but has plenty of room for you too- PoetrySoup Rule1: Be kind and keep PoetrySoup a haven. PoetrySoup is a drama free zone(Comment on the poetry of others and they will comment on yours.) Thank you posted your words and thoughts here, I want to come back to read more another day. - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 7/20/2014 8:14:00 PM
Brooke,, A nice warm WELCOME to poetry soup. I hope you enjoy the community, as I did when I first join, March 2010. You'll find many friendly poets, who are ready to support and give positive feedback. I want to be the first to invite you on over, to the contest page. I OFFER MY CONTEST, in hopes it inspires you to write another poem. I'm looking forward to following you and your poetry ha-ha a special pair:) here's the link to the contest page. <---~Take Care!! From: your new poet friend @-> LINDA <-@
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Date: 7/20/2014 5:23:00 PM
Welcome to Poetry Soup, Brooke. I am glad you discovered this nice community of writers and hope you enjoy the site. Read the work of other poet's and comment if you find something you like; many poets will return the favor. Over time you will get to "know" some of us. You are welcome to visit my page anytime. Enjoy!
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry